Thursday, July 10, 2014

New Internet Connection

I have finally been able to get rid of Internet Explorer and get Google Chrome downloaded.   It took many tries, but I finally got it done on Tuesday.  The IE browser that I had on my system was old and because I have Windows XP Media Center, I couldn't update it without getting a whole new computer.   Now, I don't have to worry about that for a few more months.

I am amazed at how much faster my PC is currently running using the Google Chrome.   I get to read entire entries on Facebook without having to wait for the browser to reset itself a dozen times.   I don't have enough money right now to purchase a new computer, so I am very happy that I will be able to continue using this one for a little while yet.   I would like to buy a new one by the end of the year, but I also need to get a new car and a new TV, too.   Going to keep my fingers crossed that this fix works for a long while.

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