Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Market Day!

Today is Wednesday, and more importantly for me, it's Farmers' Market Day in Momence.  I really do like having somewhere to go every week during the summer that I can look forward to.  I get to visit with folks who are other vendors and folks who are customers.  I get a lot of nice compliments on my work, and, most importantly, I can sell my stuff to help supplement my income.  I will sometimes have a big day and sell a lot, but most weeks it's just one or two items.  I'm happy as long as I can sell enough to cover my gas to and from Momence.  The market is set up in the police department parking lot, right next to the Kankakee River, so we always get a nice breeze going through.  The weather today is supposed to be beautiful again (we had a storm front move through last night and the temps are back down into the 70s), and I am looking forward to seeing everyone there.  Market runs from 3:30 to 6:30 ever Wednesday.  If you're ever in the Momence, Illinois area on a Wednesday afternoon, stop by and say hello.

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