Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Biscornu - Double Corners

In keeping with my resolve to post more often and to show some of my work, today I am going to show you the pincushion that I am making for the HGTV Pincushion Swap being hosted by Lindsay (SavedSinnr).  Actually, I'm making 10 of these for the swap, but since I'm using up one of my charm packs, I will actually be making 22 of these cute little pincushions.  I had been searching for an idea for a couple of weeks when I got the latest issue of the Keepsake Needlework catalog.  As I was browsing through it, I saw a book about these little pincushions called "biscornus".  While I was interested in them, I didn't really want to spend $14.95 for a book I might not need.  Instead, I looked closely at the photo, then I Googled biscornu and found other examples.

This little pattern was originally created to be used with small pieces of needlework, and most that were shown were about 1" to 2" squares.  But I wanted something bigger, so I went through my stash and found a charm pack of batiks.  Aha!  Perfect!  There were 44 5-inch charms in all the colors of the rainbow, so I went to work matching up pairs.

When I had finished, I had 22 pairs of fabrics.  I matched them corner to corner, which gives me 4 corners.

But these are called "biscornu", from the French meaning "double corners".  So, we need to make 8 corners instead of 4.  Hmmm, how to do that.  I know!  If we start the end of the top fabric at the middle of the other, we will end up with 8 sides, instead of 4 - I hope.

So that's what I did.  I sewed the first half of fabric 1 to the second half of fabric 2, then turned the corner, pulling fabric 1 around to meet the first half of the next side of fabric 2.  (It is very important that you remember the 1/4" seam allowance in order to keep all of your seams equal.)  I kept going around the bottom square and pulling the top fabric around the corners as needed, until I had sewn 7 sections together.  Heres what it looked like.

Then I turned it right sides out and stuffed it pretty firmly, being sure to fill all of the corners.

When I finished, I had a little 8-sided pillow with one short seam still to be stitched close.

Right now, I am working on getting all 22 stitched together and stuffed.  Next will come the embellishments, and do these ever call for those.  I'll be adding little tassels, a center button, some beads, etc.  I'll post about these again when they are closer to being fnished.  So, I am keeping my resolution to post more often and to show my work.  I am still working on my sweater, by the way, and should have it finished soon.  I post a picture of it once I'm done.  In the meantime, I hope you all have a great week, and keep warm!

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