Monday, March 21, 2011

Today is the First Day of Spring?!

Today is the officially the first day of spring - on the calendar, that is. I'm not really sure if Mother Nature agrees, though. While our forecast here in Illinois is for temps in the low 60's with a lot of clouds, there is also a winter storm front just to the west of us that is predicted to drop another load of snow. So for now, I am cautiously optimistic that spring has indeed come. At the end of my entry last August, I mentioned that the squirrels' tails were getting really bushy, which meant a long, hard winter with a lot of snow. Looks like Grandpa was right again. After that major snow storm we had in February, I think this past winter qualifies as long and hard. The only really good thing that came from all of that snow is that the fields will be plenty moist for the spring planting. Hopefully, the farmers will have better crop yields this year after the horrible heat and dryness of last year. Anyway, enough about the weather. Let's talk crafting!

I found out last week that there will be a Fairy Fest at Pilcher Park again this year. Our Head Fairy Darla, though, will not be with us anymore. She took a new job and has left the organization of the FF to the rest of the staff at the Nature Center. Since I know early enough that there will be an FF, I have already started making my beaded/beribboned fairy headbands. I want to make sure that I have a lot more of them this year than I had in 2010. I went to last year's FF with about three dozen headbands, two dozen flower and star wands, and about 50 pieces of Fairy Bling (jewelry made using beads and stretchy cord), and I sold out of everything but one wand and a couple of bracelets by noon. Unfortunately, the FF lasts until 2:00, so I had to pack up early and go home.

Don't get me wrong. Last year's FF was a huge financial success. It's just that I could have sold a whole lot more if I had made more stock. So this year, I'm starting early. At this writing, I have already made five headband bases. I need to do a run to Michaels for some supplies, though. I need more 1/4" dowels for my wands, some sparkle felt for the stars, and I used up most of my ribbon supply last year, so I have to replenish that, too. I should be able to get everything I need for about $30. I'll make that back easily. Nothing on my table is marked more than $4, and I think that's why I sell so much. The headbands, wands and Fairy Bling are shiny enough to attract the attention of the little girls and priced low enough that the parents/grandparents don't mind spending a few dollars at my table.

Anyway, the FF will be my first craft show of 2011 and I am really looking forward to it. I also am working with my class reunion committee. The Central High Class of 65 (along with the classes of 66 and 67) will be holding their 45th class reunions in July. We started doing the joint reunions five years ago. It seems that none of our classes can get enough folks to come in order to make it financially feasible. Joining the other two classes lets us enjoy the company of people who were at school with us, while keeping the overall costs down, which in turn gets more folks to come. That will be something to look forward to during the summer and I can't wait to see everyone. But in the meantime, I'll be here working on my Fairy Bling for the Fairy Fest in May. Happy crafting, everyone!

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