Thursday, January 05, 2012

Keyhole Scarf

I got inspired the other day while visiting one of my HGTV boards.  Someone had posted a picture of a knitted keyhole scarf and was looking for a crochet version.  I looked at the picture and thought, "Gee, I could make that."  So I did.  I've made two versions of the scarf using the same pattern.  Please feel free to use this pattern, but I would appreciate it if instead of passing it on, you would pass on the link to this blog.  Thanks.


This is a pattern that I created after seeing a picture of a knitted keyhole scarf posted by one of my cyber-sisters. She was looking for a crochet version, so I took up the challenge and created one. Depending on the thickness of the yarn and the size of the hook, you can make this as either a warm scarf or a designer piece to be worn as a fashion accessory. The basic pattern is the same. For the warm scarf, I used Red Heart acrylic yarn and a size G hook, for the designer one, I used Caron Spa with a size F hook.

First Petal

Row 1: Ch 3, 2 hdc in 3rd ch from hook. (3 hdc)

Rows 2: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc of each row), turn, hdc in base of ch 2 (increase made), hdc in next hdc, 2 hdc in last hdc (increase made). (5 hdc)

Rows 3 – 9: Repeat Row 2, increasing 2 stitches each row (19 hdc).

Rows 10 – 17: Work even on hdc across row (19 hdc). (This forms the first petal of the scarf.)

Row 18: Ch 1 (does not count as first stitch), pull up loop in first two hdc, yo, through all 3 loops (sc decrease made), *pull up loops in next 2 hdc, yo, through all loops (scd), repeat from * to end of row (9 sc).

Rows 19 – 27: Work even on sc across row (9 sc)

Scarf Body

Row 28: 2 sc in first sc, *sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, repeat from * across row for 4 increases (13 sc)

Row 29: Ch 2, hdc in each sc across row (13 hdc)

Row 30 - ?: Work even on hdc until piece measures desired length. (For the warm scarf, I made it 29 inches and for the designer scarf, it was 21 inches).

Next Row: Ch 1, work on sc, decreasing four stitches across the row (9 sc)

Next 2 – 4 Rows: Ch 1, work even on sc across row (9 sc); fasten off.


Going back to the keyhole base area of sc’s, attach yarn at one edge, working sc into previous row (9 sc).

Row 2 – 9: Work even on sc across row (9 sc).

Row 10: Work row of sc, attaching each stitch to the last row of sc on the base area as you go. Fasten off.

Second Petal

Rows 1 – 18: Work the same as for First Petal.

Rows 19-23: Work even on sc (9 sc).

Row 24: Slip stitch Petal 2 to the end of the Scarf Body. Fasten off.

Work in any tails. For the designer scarf, I outlined the top of the keyhole with pearls. You can embellish it with anything that you’d like, or you can just leave it plain. The options are up to you!